Happy Veterans Day! Here is what you need to know for this week! This week is a longer blog…but all important information!
November 11-15, 2024
Monday November 11 - Veterans Day, No School
Tuesday November 12 - Pyburn Absent
Poinsettia Fundraiser!
We have officially launched our second fundraiser of the year. We will be selling poinsettias! They will come in two different sizes and colors. All monies will go to the overall band fund, which will include event costs, buses, music, instrument repair and more.
In order to make a profit, the band must sell a minimum of 200 poinsettias. My hope is that each student sells one to three poinsettias.
Do not want a poinsettia? There is an option to donate money instead!
The poinsettias will be available for pick up after our concert on December 12 at 7 PM (THIS IS A DATE CHANGE FROM THE CALENDAR). We will have them as decoration for our concert, and then we will pass them out after Symphonic Band performs.
Want your company to be a band sponsor? Have your company send a check of at least $250 to the band and we will add your logo onto our website and into our concert programs.
All-District Auditions
SYMPHONIC AND JAZZ STUDENTS, All-District Audition Music is due on Friday, November 15! You must have the following for this assignment:
1. The etude
2. The five scales listed on your etude paper
3. Chromatic Scale
4. A signed permission form turned into me with your recording if you are planning on submitting your video as an audition
PERCUSSION, you will most likely have to do your recording at school, so my hope is that either Willie or I will help you out with this during the week.
I just sent all students in Symphonic and Jazz an invite to a Google Classroom to submit this assignment! Please remember that this is a bigger grade in Gradebook, and will affect your grade if you do not do it!
Coming Soon!
November 20 - Poinsettia Fundraiser Ends
November 25-29 - Thanksgiving Break
December 14 - Cracker Christmas Parade (Returning Students Only)
December 9 - Beginning Band Rehearsal 4:15-5:15 PM
December 12 - UMS Winter Concert 7 PM in the UMS Gym
Pass-Off Concerts Coming Up
Want to earn a pass-off? Come check out one of these concerts coming up! Make sure to take a photo of you attending!
Thursday November 14, 2024 - Daytona State College Community Jazz Band 7PM, News Journal Center in Daytona (Ms. Pyburn is playing Tenor Saxophone and Flute!) *Tickets $10 for adults $5 for Students*
Saturday November 16, 2024 - Southern Winds Roll of Distinction Concert 7:30 PM, Lee Chapel Elizabeth Hall (Ms. Pyburn is playing Clarinet and Mr. Innis is playing Euphonium!)
Sunday November 17, 2024 - Stetson Symphonic Band Hall of Fame Concert 4 PM, Lee Chapel Elizabeth Hall
Let’s have a great week Tigers!